Friday, September 21, 2012

Resisting Change

Earlier this week while I was exercising at the lake, I saw a crepe myrtle tree that seemed to be having a difficult time deciding what the current season is. Most of its spindly branches were loaded with dull round green berries, smaller russet ones, and red-tipped olive green leaves.  But there were two branches crowned with bright purple blossoms with the beginning of autumn only days away.

Observing that confused crepe myrtle made me wonder what changes still lie ahead for me in a year overflowing with changes. And it also made me reflect on how resistant I am to change. Out of all of my friends I have only one, ok maybe one and a half, who really embrace change.  How I envy them! I am like the proverbial Biblical sheep that wallows in a rut and has to be lifted out by the Shepherd’s crook.
Like the crepe myrtle, my resistance to change sometimes produces confusion. It is so important to know what season you are in for a variety of reasons. For instance, you cannot reap when it is sowing season and vice-versa.  Spiritually, it is important to know the season so you can know how to pray.  It is also important so you will know the work God has for you to do. Some seasons are fallow ones where you wait on the Lord to move or to provide wisdom and insight. Some are busier where you work on multiple projects or ministries simultaneously. But to be effective, you need to know the Shepherd’s voice and observe the signs of changing seasons.  So as summer gives way to fall, watch the changing leaves and ask the Lord to open your heart to the changes He wishes to make in your life.

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