Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Don’t Miss Jesus This Christmas

When Jesus came to earth over 2000 years ago, many missed it. They had a preconceived notion about the Messiah of Israel and when He did not fit the mold, they dismissed Him. There were some though, who understood. Mary and Joseph understood because of their obedience to God’s plan. The shepherds got it because they humbled themselves and welcomed/accepted God’s angel messengers and their message. The pagan wise men recognized Jesus because they were seeking the truth. Even cruel, devious King Herod realized who Jesus was. That’s why he tried to kill Him. None of them may have truly comprehended all of Jesus’s personhood, but they did not try to limit God’s work by their limited understanding.

Sometimes we miss God’s answers to our prayers because of the packaging in which they arrive. Jesus came as a peasant baby, born in a dirty, smelly animal stable. Though they claimed royal lineage, his parents were poor and lived in an unimportant, backwater town. Despite these facts, His birth was predicted by dozens of prophets, attended by a new star, and heralded by a choir of angels.

Oftentimes, God still shows up in ways and through means we do not expect and so we miss Him. This Christmas when you shake the shiny, colorful packages under the tree, don’t forget to keep your eyes and ears open to the true gifts God wants to give you this season.

“Follow the star to a place unexpected...would you believe after all we projected, a child in a manger...”
--"How Many Kings?" by Downhere

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