Monday, April 16, 2018

Green is the New Blue, Sort Of

“. . . a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” -Prov. 27:9 (The Message)

As long as I can remember blue has been my favorite color. There was once in my childhood when I had an internal philosophical debate as to the merits of red vs. blue but the former seemed to have too many negative associations. I still enjoy wearing red often, but for me, blue’s soothing qualities ultimately won out as the color to which I constantly gravitate. This spring, though, something has changed. And I have absolutely fallen in love with green. Kelly green, forest green, grass green. I should’ve seen it coming when a few years ago I painted my toenails the shade of a Granny Smith apple. Now, don’t mistake me. Blue and I will always be tight. We’ve been together far too long now to let green come between us. But green has carved out a little place in my heart and is now my second favorite color.

Maybe it’s in part because this spring, green seems an especially apt motif for me: the color and the season have long been symbolic of renewal and rebirth. New beginnings. And that’s the season I find myself in. Earlier this month I went to the mountains of Georgia on a girlfriend getaway with some cherished friends and was dazzled by the seeming rainbow of greens as we traveled. We took the trip right after Easter, the ultimate season of rebirth, and we spent quite a bit of time enjoying God’s creation. The time spent in nature was rejuvenating, and it helped me focus on God’s gifts, not the least of which are my precious friends who constantly encourage, support, and love me unconditionally. Pastor Charles “Chuck” Swindoll has been quoted as saying, “I cannot even imagine where I would be today if not for a handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun.” I couldn’t agree more: I am truly blessed to have such friends who bring great joy to my life!


  1. Hey sweet friend. Always love your blog posts. I’m more of a “red” gal; but I bet that doesn’t surprise you at all.

    Love you!

  2. Dearest Peppi,
    What a treat to hear from you! No, indeed, no surprise that you are a red gal. Of course, we do have that bright lipstick thing in common ;) Love you too!
