Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Sick Days

Jeremiah 17:14: “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed…”

Sick Days. I think they were more fun when I was a kid. Ok, there was still the sick part. But at least I got to miss school, stay home with Mom and watch tv all day. Except the year I first had pneumonia. That was a nightmare. That’s pretty much how I feel about sick days now. They’re a nightmare filled with wracking coughs and guilt that I’m missing work, even though I can’t even crawl out of bed and change clothes. Plus, it seems any illness I get lasts at least a week and then I’m discombobulated for days wondering how did it get to be the end of the month when the last time I checked the month had just started. I’m sure there are lots of lessons God wishes me to learn during those sick days. Patience probably tops the list. I’m guessing humility comes next, and with it, surrender. As in, surrendering to His will. There’s perseverance, of course, not to mention compassion. But surely there’s an easier way to learn all these things. Then again, maybe there’s not. Job was allowed to suffer considerably as was the woman with the issue of blood who endured her affliction for 12 years. Lazarus’s illness took him to the grave and back for him to fully experience God’s grace. So, besides taking meds and drinking lots of fluids, it seems the best thing I can do on sick days is to seek God and rest in Him.

Rx for Sick Days:
Seek God
Imitate Christ
Cease striving
Kneel humbly in prayer

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